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Version: 0.x

Showing Banner Ad

Banner ads are rectangular image or text ads that occupy a spot within an app's layout. They stay on screen while users are interacting with the app, and can refresh automatically after a certain period of time.


document.addEventListener('deviceready', () => {{
id: {
// replace with your ad unit IDs
android: 'ca-app-pub-xxx/yyy',
ios: 'ca-app-pub-xxx/zzz',
}).then(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
// replace with your ad unit IDs
android: 'ca-app-pub-xxx/yyy',
ios: 'ca-app-pub-xxx/zzz',
}, 10000)
}, false)

Methods IBannerRequest)

Displays banner ad.

Returns a Promise that resolves as soon as banner is start loading, rejects when there is a problem calling native code.

interface IBannerRequest extends IAdRequest {
position?: BannerPosition
size?: AdSize

type BannerPosition = 'bottom' | 'top'

type AdSize =
| AdSizeType
| {
width: number;
height: number;

enum AdSizeType {

See also IAdRequest.

Note: The current implementation is minimum, the return value of this API will likely be changed.

admob.banner.hide(id: AdUnitIDOption)

Hides banner ad of id.

Returns a Promise that resolves as soon as banner is hidden, rejects when there is a problem calling native code.


Load Event

Called when banner ad is loaded.

document.addEventListener('admob.banner.load', () => {
// handle event

Load Fail Event

Called when banner ad request failed.

document.addEventListener('admob.banner.load_fail', () => {
// handle event

Open Event

Called when user tap on the banner ad.

document.addEventListener('', () => {
// handle event

Exit Application Event

Called after Open Event, when a user click opens another app (such as the Google Play), backgrounding the current app.

document.addEventListener('admob.banner.exit_app', () => {
// handle event

Close Event

When a user returns to the app after viewing an ad's destination URL, this method is invoked. Your app can use it to resume suspended activities or perform any other work necessary to make itself ready for interaction.

document.addEventListener('admob.banner.close', () => {
// handle event