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Version: 0.x



ionic cordova plugin add cordova-admob-plus --variable APP_ID_ANDROID=ca-app-pub-xxx~xxx --variable APP_ID_IOS=ca-app-pub-xxx~xxx
npm install --save ionic-admob

If your project depends on @ionic-native/core@beta, @admob-plus/ionic should be used instead of ionic-admob.

Ionic team and community maintain a native plugin too. Due to different release cycle, it may get outdated and break sometime.

Add Plugin to Your App's Module

After installing a plugin’s package, add it to your app’s NgModule.

Default is path src/app/app.module.ts.


import { AdMob } from "ionic-admob";


providers: [
export class AppModule { }

Then you would be able to inject AdMob instance to component.

For example, edit path src/app/app.component.ts.

import { AdMob } from "ionic-admob";

constructor(private admob: AdMob) {

platform.ready().then(() => {{ id: "test" });